The new year is nearly upon us. Always a good time to stop and reflect.
Have I made the progress I wanted to make this past year? Have I played enough? Did I spend time with the people I love most? Did I learn to take myself a little less seriously? And mostly, did I sit with the question "What do I want?" often enough?
My year has been an adventure. I took on a coaching client who became a creative partner, and then we created something new in the world. The Circle Tool. Like new parents, we've spent the last 9 months watching it grow and develop. During the next year we will be defining and clarifying how best to bring it to others. I am excited to watch it take shape.
Did you knnow that very often feelings of depression come from having tamped down your own creative, dynamic urge. In each of us is a sparky, jazzy self that wants to bring something new into the world. When we ignore that part and push it aside, a deep, floating sadness comes into our being. We make a lot of excuses--I didn't have time, there was not enough money, life got too complicated, I didn't have the right early parenting, I just couldn't bring myself to . . .
In this depressive pool are all of the answers you need in order to swim out of it. No denying--it takes courage, patientce, good support around you, and determination.
Here is an example. During this past year I've once again re-engaged with how to bring something to the crazy market place out there. I've spent hours watching Youtube videos and even buying into a few "miracle" courses that promise to send me to the golden arena of success. My Facebook feed is now flooded with this funneling offers.
The further in I go the more I am sure that I will never get it right. It doesn't matter that I trust that I have great content and 45 years of experience helping others find their strength and presence. So, early December I started watching Hallmark Christmas movies. Whoops.
Hallmark movies are a sign that I am in a depressive pool feeling frustrated and sad that I "can't" do what I want to do.
Luckily, we live in a dynamic energy field that sometimes brings us what we need when we need it. This time it was in the form of two cool women on a podcast. The host is Emma Turton and her guest was Danielle Gardner. For over two hours I sat and listened, and they told me exactly what I needed to know in order to find my next steps forward.
I can be myself. I can skip social media BS. I can bring in only the clients that I resonate with--and who resonate with what I am teaching. I can do it wrong. I can be myself.
OK. I'm in.
And here is my first post in a new blog. And coming soon--some tiny courses.
What we need to remember is that life is a fluid, dynamic process. We never arrive somewhere, or if we do we usually need a redirect and a new shiny thing to reach for. Asking "What do I want" is required for every single day.
And it is never more stuff. Merry Christmas all!
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Very intriguing! I look forward to reading more posts!
Jamie nice words to end the year on. Keep on keeping on.