My Father's Hands

Last night I dreamed my father gave me a beaded bag with trails of heart-shaped beads wandering across the pale cloth. Something in my soul wants to finger the trail of beads to discover what he meant by this gift. Does he mean follow this trail, my darling girl, the trail that is both made of the heart and leads to the heart? 

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Don't Be a Knee Jerk Kind of a Person

Recently I had a call on my cell phone from someone claiming to be from the IRS.  Within about 15 seconds she had tossed out a few key words: my account, lawsuit, call immediately to avoid legal action, you will receive no other notification . . .

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A Very Personal Note

Dear friends,

During my husband, Milt’s, illness and then after his death in 2019, I turned almost entirely toward my art explorations and left behind much of the life development tools I had been working with for over 35 years. Art gave me great comfort and a path for continual healing--and even happiness.

But for several years now I have been missing the purpose and passion I felt helping other people to discover more and more about how they are processing their worlds and making new choices. During the past year a number of people have approached me asking for training and direction with their work.

I said yes.

Now I feel myself redirecting once again with a slow spin back toward that earlier work. But with several new twists. I have no urge to do constant workshops for those in need of help. I wanted to train other coaches and helpers in several modalities to strengthen the methods and approaches they were already using.?

What if I could bring the best models for change I have worked with over the past 40 years into one arena? What if I could create a simple tool that could be a problem solver, a way to clarify and clear a future path—and still combine the deeper principles of Family Constellation Work. What if it could be fun and quick—you come out of it ready to step onto a new path? Or strengthen your existing path?

This brought into being The Circle Tool. Working with my friend and trainee, Jodi Standke, we began to develop this tool through the winter. A board. Wooden figures. Wooden blocks. A strong systemic and brain-based foundation. And a process  for entry level constellation work.

It was funny, as the toolkit began to shape and come together, we found ourselves using it to guide ourselves through many sessions—she in Minneapolis and me in Texas.  I would turn to The Circle Tool myself to help clarify a thought or a process—even the relationships between what I want and what Jodi wants from our collaboration.

I have a growing sense that this could be a really powerful tool in the muddled up world we live in. Too much input, too many choices, too many old patterns rolling under it all.

Clarity. Greater reliance on the inner self.  A way forward. New resources. And a simple way to access all of that.

There is still much development work to be done but we are at the place of piloting and practicing using The Circle Tool to help individuals and organizations chart a stronger path. Jodi and I both need practice and experience using the tool so we are offering early individual sessions, online sessions, workshops and even a couple of retreats this fall for deeper learning.
I’m still doing my art but have drastically cut the number of shows and markets I am doing.

I have not been so excited about a project in years and want the time to help it come into being.

During a scribbling sessions I wrote, “Sharper Tools—Brighter Lights.” This truly is what our world needs now.

I am so sorry for asking you to read this entire post, but I am (at heart) a writer and just can’t do it in 140 words. Please consider being a part of this early experiential and exploratory group. Check the calendar page to see which event works for you or contact me to schedule an individual Discovery Session. Scheduling a session may require the purchase of The Circle Tool kit itself. At this moment, I am saying $55 which includes shipping it to your location.  Once you get The Circle Tool kit, we will schedule your session. These will be free until August 1. And the toolkit is yours to keep.

If you have managed to read this far and are interested, please send me a personal email and I will add you to the new list for upcoming changes.