What is The Circle Tool?

The Circle Tool is a kit designed to introduce the use of "tabletop constellation work" to help clarify complex issues so we can see its many pieces and parts. It is both a physical kit and a process. 

When we are spinning out trying to understand a troubled relationship or a weighty decision we are trying to make, the brain gets overloaded and simply shuts down. A new path is not evident.

By using physical objects on a board to "constellate" the issue several things happen. We are able to separate and gain a more distant view of the problem. We can see hidden obstacles or personal blocks that are causing the problem. And we may recogniize hidden resources that could lead to resolultion and even chart a new path forward.  It  can quickly bring clarity and direction.


The Circle Tool is also an effective process for uncovering the hidden dynamics within relationships or within group dynamics. It can easily be added to the tools coaches and consultants already use. It just brings clarity and direction quickly.


It looks like a simple board game, but The Circle Tool has magic. By creating a 3-D representation of what is on your mind, you are able to gain new perspective and see solutions that otherwise have remained hidden.  Begin with . . .

  • Making decisions,
  • Finding new direction
  • Charting a new path
  • Adding new perspective to difficult relationships
  • Understanding system dynamics in the workplace
  • Exploring unseen resources and obstacles in any issue
  • And a beginning introduction to generational Family and Organizational Constellation Work.

Who can use it?

We are encouraging people to use it personally with the instruction booklet that is included or to schedule a facilitated session. The toolkit is effective at many different levels with a wide variety of issues.

We are also offering The Circle Tool to coaches, healing professionals, teachers and business leaders as a way to gain insight and direction into family and organizational system dynamics. As we expand, we will be offering training in using the tool. The sweet spot is that it can easily be added to your current toolkit.

How much is it?

The Circle Tool is $45 plus shipping to your location. During the summer of 2024, those who purchase the kit will get a free Circle Tool Session with either Jodi Standke or Jamie Lee. Sessions can be in person if you are local or via Zoom or Teams if you are out of our area. This includes both personal and organizational sessions--or just get a good orientation to the use of The Circle Tool. 


Order The Circle Tool Here

Feel free to reach out with your questions using our contact page. 




Links to The Monday Night Circle Tool Learning Group videos

If you would like to be a part of the open learning group, it would be helpful to review any sessions you may have missed. And send me a request if you wish to be added to the contact list for this group.  I'll add the current meetings to the top of the list each week.

August 26, 7:00-8:30

Exploring the self is a life-long pursuit. Tonight we used The Circle Tool to do 3 exercises on "the core self". It was an open and exploratory session with lots of questions directed at seeing our own true nature.  Here is the link.



Augusst 19, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

In this session we had a learning group on the three-part brain and why it is important to move from our "reptillian" back brain to the frontal lobes and "Executive Function" in order to shape the life we want.  Host: Jodi Standke. Here is the link of the session for review.


August 12, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CDT

This session focused on how to ask questions that lead to solutions rather than deeper into the problem.  The NLP eye movements and Outcome Frame were introduced. You are encouraged to practice with these to deepen your use of The Circle Tool.  Here is the link. 


Here are two handouts of the eye movements and The Outcome Frame to use for practice. 

Eye Movement Chart 

The NLP Outcome Frame 

August 5, 2024  7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 

Using The Circle Tool with Teams, Businesses and Organizations

This session was facilitated by Jodi Standke and focused on how to use the tool to uncover hidden dynamics within a business or organization. We recognize that while the places within a family system are "fixed", the system within a business is fluid and changing based on staff.  

Here is the link. 



July 29

No Video available for this group session. Systems error. 


July 22, 2024 7-8:30

Counseling, Coaching or Constellation? What do I need?

Discussion on the differences between counseling, coaching and Constellation Work. We also did two exercises using The Circle Tool. No powerpoint--I used the overhead cam to draw a few things out.

Here is the video link. 



July 15, 7-8

An Intro to The Circle Tool and How to Use it. 

The learning group video:


The Powerpoint from the session. 

Power Point Slides from this group click here. 



The Circle Tool

Purchase Yours Today 

$45 plus shipping for your personal kit. Includes a free first session with Jamie Lee or Jodi Standke.